
Strategic Disciple Making: A Practical Tool for Successful Ministry is unavailable, but you can change that!

For many people, church is there to meet their needs--with programs designed with them in mind. Strategic Disciple Making teaches these churchgoers to develop a servant's heart. Readers will discover that they control the destiny of their church. If they seek personal contentment, they must grow as disciples, and church expert Aubrey Malphurs explains the true meaning of the word. This refreshing...

Jews. The implication is that we are to go to those who are ethnically different from us. Understanding Matthew 28:19–20 Some people question whether Matthew 28:19–20 clearly teaches that the church is to do evangelism. Matthew teaches this, but perhaps it is not clear to the twenty-first-century reader. The problem and question here is, What did Jesus mean when he commanded his church to make disciples? Is this passage talking about evangelism, or is it talking about growing believers up in their
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